We’d like to invite you to join us on Discord for fun, chat and advice as we try to achieve something that’s only happened once (twice?) in the last year. We’ve grown a lot and you’ve grown with us, so whether you’re new to the sub or have been around since the early days grab a drink and some snacks and settle in with us for the evening!
We’ll have our usual conflab in #off-topic and #transcribing but we’re also going to open a voice channel for anyone that fancies it.
The CTQ event will start at 2pm EST, 7pm GMT & 5am AEST. Depending on how it goes, we’d love this to be a regular social event so please give us feedback and suggestions!
Tldr: you lot are cool, let’s hang out and transcribe together on the 23rd June 😃
We would also like to congratulate u/voidcraftedgaming on hitting Diamond rank!
As usual, here is the link to last month's meta thread. Inside is an AWESOME map of ToR! We asked you to send us your city (anonymously) and we've pinned them, look how many of us there are across the world now! Feel free to send in your city if you haven't yet!
Please keep sharing your favourite posts, any fun interactions or positive feedback received - we love hearing from you!