Happy New Year! 2020 is finally over, and like most of you, the mod team couldn't be happier about it. Here's to a better, safer, and healthier 2021 for all.
First of all, a MASSIVE thank-you to everyone who completed our December annual survey! We received 70 responses, the most participation we've ever had in a survey, and you left some incredibly helpful feedback that the mods are excited to review so that we can better serve our volunteers and community in the new year.
Here is some fun data from the 2020 survey:
Who took the survey?
63% of respondents were Initiates (1-50 transcriptions), but we got responses from every flair level except for Topaz (possibly because only one person is Topaz... you know who you are!)
28% of respondents transcribe at least once a week, and 24% transcribe every single day
90% of respondents found ToR by seeing a transcription in another subreddit, but 45% of those people couldn't remember which subreddit. Of those who could remember, ProgrammerHumor was our best recruiter, bringing us 7 new transcribers. We're glad to see our footer is working!
How do volunteers like to engage with us?
65% of respondents use our Discord. Hi, friends!
Only 16% of respondents follow us on Twitter. Our New Year's resolution is to get better at Tweeting - check us out at @grafeas
Fun/enjoyment and wanting to help others continue to be roughly equal reasons that people transcribe. Other reasons people gave including typing practice, and so that their time on Reddit doesn't feel wasted. Whatever your reason is, it's a good one, and we appreciate you!
ProgrammerHumor was your favorite subreddit to transcribe last year - a repeat victor from 2018! Rounding out the top three favorite partners are (in order) aaaaaaacccccccce and DnDGreentext (tied), traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns and technicallythetruth (tied)
Everyone had very different opinions on what makes them feel the most rewarded, but "positive comments from non-transcribers" squeaked out the best ranking
The Fun Stuff:
halailah's favorite jokes you all submitted:
How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a lightbulb? Wrong question. Who broke the lighbulb, and why are they keeping us in the dark?
A transcriber walks into a bar. How did I know? He recited the footer religiously after every sentence.
Did you know that fortune tellers make their tents purple? They believe the color has mythical properties. It allows them to tell the fuschia.
Why did the vampire go to the doctor? Because of his coffin!
What do you call a stream of transcriptions? A gamma ray.
Fully 1/3 of you have blue as your favorite color! It was followed by purple (20%) and orange (15%). Yellow was the least loved, with only two people picking it
It was a close race for favorite weather. 23% of respondents picked "cold, but not snowing," 20% picked "warm and sunny," and 19% picked "not warm or cold"
34% of respondents would pick teleportation as their superpower! Teleportation held the lead all month, but stopping time made a strong showing at 27%.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who completed the survey and gave us great feedback. We appreciate you!